Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Week 4--Response to Todd's Blog (Cobb Chapter 3)

As I read Todd’s comments about the way Tillich’s theology was affected by WWII, I began thinking about other great theologians who were also affected by that tumultuous time (Bonheoffer and Barth). So in a way, not only does cultural creativity and construction shape us, but also cultural upheaval and destruction sometimes play even bigger roles to inform our cultural identities. As a result, our understanding of God is then affected by such experiences.

But I don’t agree with Todd’s statement: “revelatory substance in culture is rare, if at all present.” I think that whether it’s positive (beautiful art) or negative (disillusionment that follows war) it all colors and shades the way we look at God. It is God who arranges, selects, and uses much of it. And then God pushes aside, disregards and disposes of the rest.