Sunday, February 10, 2008

Week 5--Barker Chapter 10: Sex, Subjectivity and Representation

I think poststructuralism on the whole is a good thing for feminism because it helps prevent some of the clumsy and inexact stereotypes made about feminists, as well as those made by feminists about men. There are no perfect, sweeping generalizations that can be made about the issue of sexuality. For instance, it’s interesting to see how certain generalizations about voting patterns in this election process have proven too simplistic. With the diverse pool of candidates for president this year, it seems the old predictors of how people vote no longer hold true. A half-black/half-white man, a white woman, and a Mormon man defy all old predictors that should dictate where allegiances along identity lines are placed. The voting patterns of the current election year indicate the increasing difficulty of polling. Stereotypes are becoming less and less accurate as identities become more bricolage and syncretized.

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